Book Review: “My Father’s Fire” by Phillip McCollum

fireMy Father’s Fire is a well-constructed and clever mystery novelette about a man uncovering dark secrets from his family’s past. If you’re already familiar with Phillip McCollum, all I need to say is that this is a classic example of his work: a fast-paced story which packs a lot of developed characters and plot into a fun and readable package. Despite the short length, there’s plenty of atmosphere, backstory, and conflict here.

If you’re new to McCollum’s work, this is the perfect introduction to his style. Check it out, and I’ll wager you’ll want to pick up his collection of 52 short stories as soon as you finish.

I was just thinking the other day about how much fun these kinds of “bite-sized” tales–what Mark Paxson calls “long short stories”–are, both for readers and writers. For readers, you can gobble them up in a single reading session. And for writers, you get the pleasure of telling a tale and seeing readers’ reactions without having to toil with little or no feedback for the length of time it takes to write a novel.


  1. Boy, I’m preparing for the pop, Berthold… I know my head must be pretty puffed up at this point. 😋 Thank you, thank you, thank you for not only reading and reviewing, but sharing the news.

    It amazes me that one can release a book and have someone read and review it in less than 24 hours. The wonders of modern technology never cease.

    Take care,

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