The State of the Blog Address


Honorable readers, distinguished authors, and fellow bloggers:

Tonight, it is my honor and privilege to appear before you to mark the 9th anniversary of this blog. I can think of no date more fitting for me to make such an address.

(laughter, boos from the opposition)

I’m pleased to report that the state of the blog is strong, thanks in part to wonderful authors and interviewees like Carrie Rubin and Audrey Driscoll, who have kindly allowed me to post their insightful and thoughtful answers to my questions here.


I’m grateful also to readers like Eurobrat, l33tminion and Phillip McCollum,


…who have contributed to the discussions on this blog on a number of topics, from politics to the craft of writing.

Now, while the blog is stronger than ever, I recognize that there are still improvements to make. And that’s why I’m glad to have input from Pat Prescott, Mark Paxson, and Barb Knowles


…on how to better the site. I am therefore launching an Executive Initiative to improve the readability and layout of the site, some elements of which have already been implemented. It has, in my opinion, certainly gone no worse than any such initiative can be expected to, in that it at least vaguely resembles what the people have asked for.

(laughter, boos from the opposition)

With all this in mind, and most of all, with the insightful attention and comments of readers like you, I will continue to preserve, protect, and to post on this blog, to the best of my ability.

Thank you.



  1. Applause, applause. 👏👏👏

    Clever post. Congrats on the 9 years–that’s amazing in the blog world. And thanks so much for the mention. I’m always happy to come visit.

    1. Thanks so much! And I’m always happy to see you comment. Thanks for all your support, here and on Twitter. 🙂

  2. I love the picture on your home page. The word cloud with popular topics is better than the scroll that used to be there. Good improvements. I’ve thought about changing the look of my blog(s), but just haven’t got there yet. I applaud you for making the effort.

    1. Thanks very much for suggesting the word cloud idea. I like it better too. And yeah, it can be kind of a hassle to make changes to the layout. I like the look of your blog, though–very readable and well-organized.

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